A busy year indeed!! There are 3 releases out this year or scheduled for release that I have contributed to. First off, Julie Christmas (Made Out Of Babies, Battle Of Mice, Spylacopa) released an EP titled "Coextinction Recordings 5". This is the 5th release on Andrew Schneider's Coextinction Records hence the title. Other releases on Coextinction include music by Shrinebuilder, Unsane and Pigs to cite a few. The EP features the usual suspects from Christmas' critically acclaimed full length "The Bad Wife" (Rising Pulse Records). For CR5, Andrew Schneider engineered, supplied bass and produced. I co-wrote the tunes along with the lovely lady herself and performed all guitars. Finally, new recruit Wayne Daren Schneiderman stepped up to the plate and delivered in spades on the drums. You can purchase the EP here.
Next up, with no official release date set Lee Bartow's, Love Is Nothing will be dropping its first official full length release titled "Without Me" sometime in the second half of 2011. With contributions from myself on guitar, Mike Hill (Tombs), Carrie Ingber (ex-Zambri) and many others, Bartow is stepping away from what he is known for (Navicon Torture Technologies) and pounding out something completely different. Fans of Joy Division, The Cure, Mogwai, My Bloody Valentine and Jesu take note. Click this link to check out the first single.

Finally, Jeff Caxide of the mighty Isis' new project, Crone, will be releasing his debut full length 'Endless Midnight' in the late spring. With no official release date set, it includes contributions from Isis members Aaron Harris and Bryant Clifford Meyers. The first recording session for Endless Midnight was actually done in my home studio on a stand alone 16-track recording unit where I recorded and engineered Caxide laying down a series of brilliant bass performances using a Music Man Sting Ray and an arsenal of effects pedals. We then layed down some overdubs and loops, and that set Jeff Caxide and Crone on its path. Not all of the first session will make it to the full length, but the best of it will.
Just about a year has past since the first session and Endless Midnight is in the process of being mastered. Aaron Turner (Isis, Mammifer) is also in the process of designing the packaging for the CD, which will put the finishing touches on it and then its off to the manufacturing plant. A Facebook page will be created and a Crone track will be available for preview soon. That's all for now!!! Stay tuned for updates regarding Candiria, Spylacopa, Rising Pulse Records and my latest endeavor, Crooked Man.