And every one of us is mentally scarred for life with the memory of the impact and the van flipping several times before coming to a complete hault upside down on its roof. Well except me, I was knocked unconscious on impact and did not come to until hours later, in the hospital, with a doctor shoving a tube up my nose and down my throat, with Ken yelling from the other room at me to man up and deal with it because he had to deal with it too. I must have been crying or screaming or something to that effect but it's really all a blur. I only remember brief moments that faded in and out for several hours after the initial impact.
Apart from that horrific incident there were other major hurdles for us like contractual obligations with dead beat record labels, musical differences (which led to my departure from the band for a period of time) and then their were the basic pressures of life we were faced with such as paying bills and feeding new born babies. Another notable disappointment was a Candiria documentary that we all agreed to take part in which was finished but never released for reasons unknown to us. Each of us spent hours and hours answering questions that spanned the entire history of the band, opening up and unraveling truths in great detail. Maybe that documentary would have made all of what we went through somewhat understandable. Maybe it would have softended the memory of some of those horrors and hardships we faced. But no, epic failure once again.
But there is light at the end of that very long and dark tunnel. Four fifths of what made Candiria the band we were known to be are working together again. Ken Schalk, Carley Coma, Michael MacIvor and I are all working to make the next Candiria album the very best album we've ever made. Drums for six songs are tracked, and several other songs are being written. In the past few weeks Michael MacIvor has been writing bass lines for the first 3 or 4 pieces and I personally feel that it is some of the very best he has ever written to this date, hands down.