After over a decade of writing doomy, psychadelic love/hate songs, I am finally putting out a record. The name I have chosen as the catalyst for this material as some of you may already know is Crooked Man. (Please find us
HERE on facebook and like the band!!) At this point Crooked Man consists of myself, Wayne Daren Schneiderman (Black Pig, A Family Plot) on the drum set and our newest addition to the band, guitarist, Tommy Tripi. Me and Tom grew up together. When we were kids we played hockey, roamed the streets of Southern Brooklyn, skated, road dirt bikes, listened to Metal, Punk, Hardcore and every other type of extreme music we could get our hands on. Most importantly though, Tommy taught me how to play my first few "guitar licks". Bending a string, playing power chords, vibrato, all kinds of cool things a young guitar player wants to learn given the opportunity.
After a couple of years of taking guitar lessons from the same teachers, me Tom and our close friends Michael Scondotto (Inhuman, Confusion) and oddly enough Wayne D. Schneiderman formed a band. Although I was reluctant to play hardcore at first, it was the type of music my best friends wanted to play so we formed Close Call. We played cross over hard core in the vein of Token Entry, Judge, Crumbsuckers, Cro Mags and Bad Brains. We played a couple of local shows and did some recordings with Don Fury which was cool but we were too young to take it serious and the band broke up after a couple of years.
We were just kids I guess and we wanted to do kid stuff.
Check out the artwork for the 1989 demos!! I was 16 haha.

I continued to play in bands with Wayne until later on when I joined Candiria. Everyone remained friends though and life has a funny way of putting things in its proper place because I'm playing in a band with the guys I grew up with again and it sounds great!! I'm very excited to start playing some shows with Crooked Man. We have one coming up, August 13th. It's my friend Lee's birthday party, it should be a packed show. We are playing with the infamous, James Plotkin (Scorn, Atomsmasher), my buddy Josh's band, Inswarm, Lee Bartow's, Theologian + Tournament and one other act. Its going to be at The Acheron in Buschwick. I'm totally psyched!! OK that's all for now. Thank you all for your support <3