Hello all, It's been some time since I last posted about what I have been up to as of late. It is a very exciting time in my life. I seem to finally be getting somewhere haha.
First and foremost I would like to take this opportunity to put the word out that my band Crooked Man is looking for a drummer. We are trying out a few in the next couple of weeks or so but for the most part we are still searching for that very special someone so to speak to join our Crooked lil family. If you are interested, please send me an email at crookeddman@gmail.com
OK now that that is out of the way.. on to more exciting things. I recently designed a tee shirt for The Dillinger Escape Plan. I am extremely excited about this little bit of work that i did for those fellas. They have been great friends of mine over the years and that still to this day has not changed at all. They are one of the hardest working bands in the business and I wish them all the best!! So anyway if you are interested in checking that out and picking one up, please visit www.thedillingerescapeplan.org My favorite thing about this whole venture is that when the tee shirts have sold out, we will be auctioning off the original piece of work. One hundred percent of the proceeds will go to charity.
Here is an image of the "Parasitic Twins" hand drawn part of the design.. which will be auctioned off a little later this year. It feels good to do some good with art.

Meanwhile, I am finally, officially, the proud owner of a legitimate business. I just recently opened a music building in Gowanus / South Park Slope called The South Sound. We offer monthly and yearly leases for rehearsal rooms and art spaces. We also have two really incredible recording studios on the premises, Translator Audio and Civil Defense. In those studios are some of the best Producers and Engineers on the East Coast and we are currently booking bands. I am very happy after all the hard work we have been doing, myself and my partners and an incredible group of friends and family that have been giving tons of their time and energy to make this happen. Somehow, sometime soon, we will find a way to thank everyone that has helped us with everything that had to get done. It was no easy task by any means. So if you are interested, please check out the site www.thesouthsound.com or visit us on facebook.
Meanerwhile, I am working on a score for a short film called Stairway To Heaven by Director Blake Cortez. Blake and I have been discussing working together on many things and we finally had the opportunity to do so recently. The film does not have an official release date yet but there will be more news about it soon enough!!! OK folks thats about it for now, More news soon ;)