Friday, December 9, 2011

Crooked Man release in one week.. and more!!!

 John LaMcchia and co. are gearing up for the release date of their debut EP, Coextinction Recordings #12. Engineered, recorded and co produced in just three days by Andrew Schneider (Julie christmas, Unsane, Cave In) for Coextinction Records . Out on Thursday, December 15th., this dark, doomy and ambitious release is just a taste of what Crooked Man is made of. The band will be peforming the evening of the 15th at Sullivan Hall at 730pm sharp in support of the EP and in support of  Tim (No. 37) Martinez' anti hate crime and anti suicide support movement, Hate The Hate. This is the second installment of live peformances supporting Hate The Hate and this should be a great night and a great cause to be part of. So please come down to Sullivan Hall, once again, Thursday, December 15th at 7PM and experience Crooked Man in one of New York Cities best sounding venues. Proceeds from this event go to the IT GETS BETTER FOUNDATION and AMERICAN FOUNDATION OF SUICIDE PREVENTION.